hiii welcome to my diary type thing!!!
ummm its the 2/03/24, saturday, anddddd yesterday i deleted the photos which i put onto my discord then got the likke image address and put it on my profile sooo now i have to re-upload those photos and put them back where it was which will take a while. i was on my soundcloud and i was looking at people's playlists and stuff and i found this band thing called dazzlingbad and i really their music and i love the vocals sooo im hapy i found them. since my good firned isnt in my class this year,i talk less and stuff so my teachers like me, i listen in class and i understand what they are teaching me and also there is a guy who is like schizophrenic whose in my literacy and he fake fights my friend and i on trampolines.
its the 3/03/24 sunday and like i realllyyyy wish weekends were longer, it is so short... anyways, i have a new favourite song, which is happy birthday by dazzlingbad. i cant wait until i can work and also until i get a credit card, so then i can go online and buy clothes and stuff
it is still 3/03/24 but it is later in the day so here is my update (it is 6:43pm as im writing this). i went out shopping with my mum today for food. i always get overdressed when i go out so ill put photos of what i wore today. i got a storage unit for my makeup since it is usually scattered all over the floor. i didnt realise i was wearing my skirt inside out until i got back from going shopping.

4/03/24 monday. today i was realy sleepy i fell asleep in science and i was falling asleep in other subjects. also when i got home i have a three hour nap. today was cold and i didnt bring a jumper or long pants, but its okay because i like the cold. i like when the sky is dark. the bus stop i go to is facing the sunrise so i have to sit in the sun for like 15 minutes and it is so hot, whcih is one of the reasons why i like the dark sky because the sun is blocked out by clouds. at break my friend got up and told me she was going to sit with her class friends and that really scared me since she probably has more fun with them, but thankfully she was joking and was just going to the bathroom. im glad today that i can stay up as late as i want to because tomorrow is the swimming carnival and im not going. i cant believe it is week 6, it feels like week 3. assignments and stuff are starting to get handed out, it is the worst part of the term.

5/03/24, tuesday. today i stay home because of the swimming carnival. my dad told me to clean my room before 3pm which i sorta of did i guess. i dont want to go back to school tomorrow but atleast it is going to be wednesday which is my schools sport day and i get to go to jumpd and i can jump on trampolines with my friend and fake fight a guy in my literacy who is like schizophrenic and thinks he is a hero or something. today i sent the same gif i sent my friends 1 day over a year ago without realising. it is also the birthday of my friend from primary school today so i sent her a birthday message.

06/03/24, wednesday. omggggg i love wednesday smmm its sooo fun!!!! i love the group of people i go with to jumpd. on the bus there mikolaj (thought it was spelt nikolai before) kept staring at me on the bus and doing stuff like cracking his knuckles, i was staring back and trying so hard not to laugh. when we got to jumpd he fake fought me on the trampolines again. i feel bad for his friend, he was trying to keep up with mikolaj, but mikolaj is constently jumping around, and his friend was puffed out, his whole face was red the entire time we were there. near the end of the session i jumped onto the trampoline he was on and he kept threatening to push me off, though he never did. he also kept saying "so you have chosen death" and "i wont repeat this one more time" over and over and over again. this guy called naman who likes to eat the pizza crust my friend leaves over told my friend and i that he had known mikolaj for years and still doesnt know what goes on in his brain. he said that mikolaj doesnt have autism or anything, just a wild imagination. also naman wanted a trampoline but my friend took it before him so naman called over mikolaj to fake fight my friend off the trampoline. when it is just mikolaj vs the person he is fighting he sort of just does random stuff and blurts out character voice lines, but when naman is on the side lines its different. naman tells mikolaj to do stuff like "short range shot" and stuff. i always get sooooo sweaty from jumping around, i dont know how mikolaj has so much energy. he jumps the entire one and a half hours and does the ninja wall barely taking a break, and he walks home. anyways, after school i walked to my house and i had a shower without washing my hair. i had my headphones on and was being careful not to let the water touch my hair
8/03/24, friday. had two fucking amazing dreams in the morning. didnt go to school, i faked sick.
9/03/24, saturday. my friend from primary school invited me to her birthday party on the 20/02/24, and today was her birthday party. i didnt go to it though because she never actually told me the date or what it was, and i wasnt exactly actually invited since she said we havent seen eachother in a long time and she didnt want to be annoying. i stayed in bed all day and had three naps
9/03/24, sunday. rotted in bed all day